Contact us

For location addresses, please visit Our Locations.

Please choose “Report an adverse event” form below to report adverse events for SERB, BTG or Veriton products.

For medical information on Voraxaze, DigiFab or CroFab, please contact our medical information hotline (24hrs/7days):

Tel (US): +1 877 377 3784
Tel (France): 0800-992-334
Tel (Italy): 800-788-702
Tel (Germany): 0800-181-5244
Tel (Spain): 900-958-745
Tel (UK): 0800-358-0897
Tel (Toll call outside US): +1-303-389-1204

Please use the form below to contact us by email:

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    Personal data statement

    Your personal data is processed by (i) SERB SAS, whose registered office is located at 40 avenue George V, 75008 Paris, France, or (ii) SERB SA whose registered office is located at avenue Louise 480, 1050 Brussels, Belgium, or (iii) BTG International Inc, whose registered office is located at Five Tower Bridge, 300 Barr Harbor Drive, Suite 800, West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania 19428-2998, or (iv) VERITON PHARMA LIMITED, whose registered office is located at Unit 16, Trade City, Avro Way, Brooklands Business Park, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 0YF, UK (all hereinafter referred to as “SERB”), each acting as an autonomous data controller for the products it places on the market, for the purposes of collecting, processing and managing pharmacovigilance and materiovigilance activities and medical information requests.

    SERB acts on the basis of its legal obligations, as well as on its legitimate interest to manage and process requests for information.

    You have the right to access, rectify and delete your personal data, the right to limit the processing of your personal data, and the right to define directives concerning the use of your personal data after your death. You can perform your rights at any time by sending an email to our Data Protection Officer (DPO) at You also have the right to introduce a complaint with the competent supervisory authority. For more information concerning the processing of your personal data, please read our privacy policy.

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    This link will take you to a third-party website, the terms of use and the privacy policy of which may be different. SERB declines all responsibility in that regard and in case of a breach of its privacy policy by the third-party website. Moreover, SERB is not responsible for any information or opinion contained in any third-party website.
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