SERB is proud to announce the publication of our first Sustainability Report covering the 2023 calendar year. The report is an important milestone in the company’s efforts to measure and improve our performance around environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues.
Our Sustainability report aligns our activities to UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We have chosen to prioritise the six SDGs that we feel are most relevant and material to our business and our stakeholders (including our employee), and where we can make a meaningful difference.

Our Sustainability report marks the first time SERB has published:
- Full Scope 1, 2, and 3 greenhouse gas (‘GHG’) emissions figures
- Assessment of in-house manufacturing GHG emissions
- Other environmental measures (water use, waste)
- Gender Pay gap analysis
- Compliance and Health and Safety reporting
The report also spotlights our diversity, volunteer and charity activities.
Work is underway to further embed ESG in our business operations, with more direct leadership of these topics from specific members of our Executive Team and the continued engagement of our employees across the business.
We know that SERB delivers value to society through better health, but we also recognise that our business has a responsibility to address the environmental, social, and governance challenges of our time. Our annual Sustainability Report allows us to make a public commitment to improve in the areas of ESG, and importantly, to report on our progress.
Click image below to read the full report: